The Romanovs: Forensic Facial Reconstructions & the Mystery of Skeleton #6
The mystery of what happened to the Romanov family was one of the greatest historical questions of the 20th century. For decades, no one knew the answer to where the Imperial family was located after the Russian Revolution in 1918.
It wasn’t until 1979 that the world finally got some answers. Russian investigators found what they thought might be the final resting place of the family, in the woods outside of Yekaterinburg. Their findings had to remain secret for many years, as Russia was still in the Soviet Union. The bodies were only exhumed and examined in 1991, with the findings finally released to the public.

What did King Tut look like?
Almost exactly 100 years ago, British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered a stairwell in the Valley of the Kings. The very next day, he followed the stairs, and was thrilled to find an undiscovered tomb, with its inner door still sealed - an extremely rare treasure.
In it was the Boy King Tutankhamun. A pharaoh who had reigned for only 10 years - the blink of an eye in historical context. It was a discovery for the ages, one that revealed thousands of perfectly preserved Egyptian antiquities and captured the public imagination.